Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WSWCA E-post: 06/03/09

South Street Melee Sparks Meeting
In response to last weekend's melee involving teenagers swarming South Street with some committing crimes in adjacent neighborhoods, police are beefing up their enforcement and crowd control plans, and a COMMUNITY MEETING open to all residents is scheduled as follows:

DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 8:00 am (Please note this is a MORNING meeting)
LOCATION: Palumbo Recreation Center at 10th and Fitzwater

During the past two Saturday nights, thousands of African American youth, (roughly six to 10 thousand people, ages 12 to 18, by McShea's estimates) descended onto South Street. On Saturday, May 23rd, the crowd scene resulted in some vandalism. But late last Saturday night, May 30th, as an increased police presence pushed the teens off South Street, the crowd spilled over into neighborhoods, and some participants engaged in several robberies, a carjacking of cab, several assaults and also retail theft.

After two weekends of unexpected chaos on South Street, the city is taking a no-nonsense approach to managing South Street crowds during the weekends leading up to the annual Greek Picnic on July 11, McShea said. Plans include a significantly increased police presence (including mounted state police officers) along South Street from Broad Street to Front Street, an on-site night court, and a curfew bus.

"At midnight, if we find anyone 18 and under still on the street, we're going to bring them in, and their parents will have to come and get them at the police district," said McShea. Parents could also face a fine.

Update: Philadelphia's 311 Service
A member pointed out to us that the city's "311" service cannot be reached by dialing 3-1-1 from a cell phone. From a cell, please try 215-686-8686.

Mayor Nutter at QVNA Meeting
The Queen Village Neighbors Association has invited our members to attend their General Meeting, at which Mayor Nutter will be guest speaking.

Wednesday, June 24, 7:30pm
Settlement Music School
416 Queen Street
Parking on site

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